
14/10/2021 Sandafayre

Vincent Green, chairman of Sandafayre, analysing rare and unique stamps

Scouting for boys

Of course (as every Scout knows?) the first Scout topical stamp was created several years before the Scouting movement existed! Only in retrospect do we see, in the form of the young Cadet Sgt- Major Goodyear precariously balanced on his bicycle (with a rock wedged under one peddle), one of the group of lads who inspired Baden – Powell to begin the Boy Scouts and model them on the Cadet Corps that kept communications running during the Mafeking Siege. This and the other Mafeking Siege stamp depicting General Baden-Powell are a 'must' for any Scout topical collector.

If you enjoy topical stamps, please let us know. Whether it's Scouts, or Birds, Butterflies, Buildings or Basketball we can send you an email each time a new lot arrives!